
The upload data section in eRaay allows you to upload different data. They are explained below

Configure SPSS Data
By default, the system prepares SPSS data file that can be downloaded at any time. However, if you want to customize your variable name, label, datatype, length etc you can upload your configuration data to override the system settings specific to this survey.

In order to upload the data, you must download the existing settings.by clicking on the download link available in the top right corner. Once you download it, please make necessary changes and reupload the same file again. There are appropriate validations in place to validate the file you are going to upload. Once your file is uploaded successfully, you will get a message confirming successful upload of your file.

In the template file you can configure SPSS variable name,Label , Datatype , Length etc and upload the template file to download respondent data in SPSS format.

Configure ASCII Data

The ASCII Data files gives your survey data in a text file where each column is positioned in a fixed column.

To start configuring, you need to download the template file where you will get all data columns that are part of your survey and you need to put the start and end position for each column that you want to get. Please note that columns where the start and end columns are not defined will not be downloaded.

Configure Excel Data Header

In eRaay, when you download the data in Excel by default you get the column name as header. If you want to include a column description as part of your excel download you can do that by uploading your own column description against each column.

In order to do this, you need to download the template, fill the column description and upload it. Once you successfully uploaded your header file, your next data download will have the column description in first row, the column names in the second row followed by your survey data.

Upload call Data

In this section, you can upload the data for which you need to make cati call or send survey email. In order to do this you need to download the survey template. The survey template will include all the custom variables as a data column and an additional field called “Emailid” in the first column. While uploading your data, please keep your key data field (email id or phone number) in the first column as the system uses this column to validate the data.

When you successfully upload your data, you see the following details in your upload list:

  1. Batch Id: A unique batch id is assigned to the upload. When you want to track the mailer status you can view them all or you can view them by batch id.
  2. Upload Date:Date when the data was uploaded
  3. Upload Note: A text description entered by you that describe the upload
  4. No of Record: Number of records in the upload
  5. Action/Mail Status: The moment you upload your data, you see a send mail button. Whenever you want to send the email you have to press the send mail button. When you click on the send email button your request is put in a queue and the automatic email sender process picks it up and sends the mail accordingly.
  6. Download: The download link downloads the same data you just uploaded but associates a unique survey link for each data row. This is useful when you want to get the unique survey link for each of your respondent..