
Simple Piping

Using simple branching you can display a previous answer of a question on a later question.

Attribute Description
Target Question Target question is a later question on which the previous answer will be used.
Source Question Source question is the previous question whose answer will be used later.
Question Desc Here you can edit your target question description by placing the placeholder which will be replaced by the answer of the source question.

Option Piping

Option piping allows you to use previous answers (answers from multiple questions) as options in later questions.

Attribute Description
Target Question Target question is a later question on which the previous answer will be used.
Source Question Source questions are the previous questions whose answers (selected/unselected) will be used later.

Question Repeating

Question repeating allows you to repeat a set of questions based on the answer of the source question.

Attribute Description
Source Question Source question is the question based on which a set of later questions will be repeated.
Repeat Question These are the later questions which will be repeated based on the answer of the source question.