Email Template

eRaay is integrated with a powerful mailing engine to deliver your survey emails quickly. It not only sends your email but also provides great tracking details to see if your mails have been delivered/ bounced/ dropped and whether the respondent has opened the survey link or not.

In order to send email, you need to specify your mail subjection and the email content. Please ensure that you have included your survey link in your email.

You can also send personalized emails using the mail merge facility provided in eRaay mailer. Please note that all custom variables defined by the survey administrator are available for mail merging. In order to implement mail merging, you have to place the custom variables within two pairs of curly braces i.e. {{Firstname}}.

Your survey link is automatically generated and comes in the mail template when you create a survey. If your survey is hosted in another domain, you can change it here but you must not temper the text [[SurveyLink]] as this is the placeholder where the system put the survey and respondent id.

Click here to start the survey