
Simple Branching

Using simple branching you can set the simple question skip logic based on user input. You can do it manually for each question one by one or you can generate it automatically by clicking on the “Reset” button. When you click the “Reset” button, each question skips to the next question.

Once you set your skip logic, you need to save it.

Please note that when you modify an existing question, you must set the skip logic again.

Attribute Description
Question This is the question on which you want to apply skip logic.
Option This is the user input (response) based on which skip logic will be evaluated.
Go to Question This is the question to which it will be navigated when simple question skip logic returned true.
Save This button saves all simple skip logic defined.
Reset This button makes the question appearance order as in the order questions have been configured.

Advanced Branching

Using advanced branching you can define complex jump rules. It is kind of a simple query builder where you can define values of multiple questions and join them by most common operators.

Attribute Description
Evaluate on Source question is the question based on which a set of later questions will be repeated.
Criteria You can define complex jump rules with the help of most common operators and conditions.
Target Question Question where the workflow will navigate if evaluation of jump rule returns true.
Active Activate/Deactivate the branching rule using this option.
Operator SQL Symbol Description
Equal to (=) Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer and mentioned value in advanced branching criteria are equivalent.
Not equal to <> Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer and mentioned value in advanced branching criteria are not equivalent.
In In Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is present in mentioned multiple values in advanced branching criteria.
Multiple values will be kept with comma separator. Ex :- Q1 IN 1,2,3,4,5
if answer of Question Q1 is present in 1/2/3/4/5 then the statement returns true.
Not In Not In Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is not present in mentioned multiple values in advanced branching criteria.
Multiple values will be kept with comma separator. Ex :- Q1 NOT IN 1,2,3,4,5
if answer of Question Q1 is not present in 1/2/3/4/5 then the statement returns true.
Greater Than > Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is greater than mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
Less Than < Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is less than mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
Greater Or Equal >= Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is greater than or equal to mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
Less Or Equal <= Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is less than or equal to mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
Between Between Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer is in between mentioned range value in advanced branching criteria.
Mention the range from & range to value with comma separation. Ex :- Q1 Between 1,50
LIKE LIKE Evaluates sql like operator between mentioned Question’s answer and mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
Ex –
Q1 LIKE a% (if answer of Q1 starts with ‘a’ , then statement returns true else returns false)
Q1 LIKE %a (if answer of Q1 ends with ‘a’ , then statement returns true else returns false)
Q1 LIKE %a% (if answer of Q1 contains ‘a’ in between at any position, then statement returns true else returns false)
Q1 LIKE mango (if answer of Q1 is ‘mango’, then statement returns true else returns false)
NOT LIKE NOT LIKE Evaluates sql not like operator between mentioned Question’s answer and mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
Ex –
Q1 NOT LIKE a% (if answer of Q1 starts with ‘a’ , then statement returns false else returns true)
Q1 NOT LIKE %a (if answer of Q1 ends with ‘a’ , then statement returns false else returns true)
Q1 NOT LIKE %a% (if answer of Q1 contains ‘a’ in between at any position, then statement returns false else returns true)
Q1 NOT LIKE mango (if answer of Q1 is ‘mango’, then statement returns false else returns true)
Equal to a certain number (=) Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer length (count of nomber of comma separation) and mentioned value in advanced branching criteria are equivalent.
This is applicable to the multianswer based question. Ex. Q1 Equal to a certain number 5
in checkbox type question when we select multiple input we keep them with comma separation (i.e 1,3,5,7,9 Here number of checkbox answered is 5).
so number of checkbox checked i.e length of answer is equal to mentioned value , then statement returns true else returns false
Greater than a certain number > Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer length (count of nomber of comma separation) is greater than mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
This is applicable to the multianswer based question. Ex. Q1 Equal to a certain number 5
in checkbox type question when we select multiple input we keep them with comma separation (i.e 1,3,5,7,9 Here number of checkbox answered is 5).
so number of checkbox checked i.e length of answer is greater than mentioned value , then statement returns true else returns false
Less than a certain number < Evaluates if mentioned Question’s answer length (count of nomber of comma separation) is less than mentioned value in advanced branching criteria.
This is applicable to the multianswer based question. Ex. Q1 Equal to a certain number 5
in checkbox type question when we select multiple input we keep them with comma separation (i.e 1,3,5,7,9 Here number of checkbox answered is 5).
so number of checkbox checked i.e length of answer is less than mentioned value , then statement returns true else returns false

Advanced Validations

Advanced validation allows you to apply validation rules that come from multiple questions. Here you can configure your own error message related to the validation.

Question Type When to use
Evaluate on question Question on which evaluation of validation rules will be triggered when the next button is clicked.
Function Here you can select the type of operation you want to apply to Left side Expression. Currently there are three functions available i.e. SUM, LENGTH & VALUE. When you choose SUM, you need to check all questions whose values will be summed up for further comparison against the right side expression.
LS Expression Here you can select one part your expression that you want to validate.
Operator Here you can define the type of operation you want to perform Left side Expression and Right Side Expression.
Evaluate By Here you can select the type of operation you want to apply to Right side Expression. You can either choose the value of a question or a static value on your right side for validation.
RS Expression Here you can select other part your expression that you want to validate
Error Text You can put your custom validation error message here. When the validation result fails, the user will see this message. As part of your validation message you can also print the evaluation result of the left hand side as well as the right hand side by using $LHS$ and $RHS$ as part of your expression.
Active Using this flag, you can activate/deactivate an existing validation expression. Please note that only active expressions are evaluated during the survey workflow.
Operator Math Symbol Description
Equal to (==) Evaluates if both LS Expression values and RS Expression values are equivalent.
Not Equal to != Evaluates if both LS Expression values and RS Expression values are not equivalent.
Greater than > Evaluates if LS Expression value is greater than RS Expression value.
Greater than or equal to >= Evaluates if LS Expression value is greater than or equal to RS Expression value.
Less than < Evaluates if LS Expression value is less than RS Expression value.
Less than or equal to <= Evaluates if LS Expression value is less than or equal to RS Expression value.