
eRaay offline is an android based mobile app using which you can conduct CAPI based interviews. Any user of type “Field User” will be able to login to the mobile app to conduct surveys provided the survey administrator has provided the necessary permission to access the survey.

Once the survey is published, the survey administrator can provide access to one or more field users who will be able to access the survey. The survey administrator can also revoke the permission at any point of time. Managing permissions can be done by the survey administrator under “Manage Access” module in the main menu or under the “Surveyor” tab of each survey.

One field user can have access to more than one survey. However, we recommend that the administrator should revoke the permissions when a survey is done.

Please note that by default the offline feature is disabed when you create a survey. In case you need the offline version to be enabled for your survey, please contact us.